It ranks as the sixth country with the best quality of life, scoring 81.4 points, according to a ranking by Global Citizen Solutions.
Living in Portugal
Fabian Kühne on Unsplash

Portugal has been ranked as the sixth country in the world with the best quality of life, scoring 81.4 points, according to a recently released ranking by Global Citizen Solutions, a consultancy firm specialising in investment-based immigration.

Nordic countries dominate the top spots, with Sweden and Finland taking first and second place with scores of 88.5 and 87.1 points, respectively. Germany claims third place with 83.3 points, while Denmark (83.1) and Spain (81.9) occupy fourth and fifth positions.

The Quality of Life Index, one of the categories analysed to define the Global Passport Index—where Portugal ranks 24th—uses metrics such as environmental sustainability, cost of living, infrastructure, and personal and political freedoms to determine the strength of a passport, according to the Global Citizen Solutions website.

Quality of life ranking
Global Citizen Solutions